Allan Block Morro Stone outdoor Kitchen

Mortarless Wall Systems


The MorroStone Wall System makes it easy to build low seating walls, fire rings, BBQ enclosures, raised planting beds, or low decorative columns by simply stacking the units in the desired pattern. The block sizes are modular, so you can create your own distinctive patterns by using different combinations. For a more permanent installation, you can use our Gator Glue Adhesive to bond the blocks together.

Stock Colors

MorroStone Sienna Brown Blend
Sienna Brown
MorroStone Grey/Charcoal Blend
Gray Charcoal
MorroStone SandStone Blend
MorroStone Cream/Brown Blend
Cream Brown
MorroStone 1 Dimensions

Morrostone 1

MorroStone 2 Dimensions

Morrostone 2

MorroStone 3 Dimensions

Morrostone 3

MorroStone Angle Dimensions

Morrostone Angle

Regular Morrostone blocks are tumbled to create a rustic appearance.

New:  We now also stock an Un-Tumbled version as shown in the photo below for those of you looking for a more modern look.   Just be sure to specify whether you want “Tumbled” or “Un-Tumbled” at order time!

Un-tumbled MorroStones
Un-Tumbled MorroStones


Air Vol Block Great Hardscapes Catalog
Air Vol Block Great Hardscapes Catalog
MorroStone flyer
Morrostone Ideas
Fire Glass
Fire Glass
Un-Tumbled MorroStone Flyer
Un-Tumbled MorroStones

Stock Colors

MorroStone Sienna Brown Blend
Sienna Brown
MorroStone Grey/Charcoal Blend
Gray Charcoal
MorroStone SandStone Blend
MorroStone Cream/Brown Blend
Cream Brown
Shapes & Specs
MorroStone 1 Dimensions

Morrostone 1

MorroStone 2 Dimensions

Morrostone 2

MorroStone 3 Dimensions

Morrostone 3

MorroStone Angle Dimensions

Morrostone Angle

Special Order Options

Regular Morrostone blocks are tumbled to create a rustic appearance.

New:  We now also stock an Un-Tumbled version as shown in the photo below for those of you looking for a more modern look.   Just be sure to specify whether you want “Tumbled” or “Un-Tumbled” at order time!

Un-tumbled MorroStones
Un-Tumbled MorroStones


Air Vol Block Great Hardscapes Catalog
Air Vol Block Great Hardscapes Catalog
MorroStone flyer
Morrostone Ideas
Fire Glass
Fire Glass
Un-Tumbled MorroStone Flyer
Un-Tumbled MorroStones


Actual product colors may vary from the colors shown on this website. Because texture and color variations are inherent in all concrete products, we recommend that you look at actual product samples prior to ordering.

Sandstone Fireplace and Santa Maria Style BBQ
MorroStone Fireplace Kit
Sandstone Fireplace Kit
Sandstone, Sienna Brown, Gray Charcoal Santa Maria BBQ and counter
Sandstone and Gray Charcoal
Gray Charcoal
Cream Brown